Reduce social isolation, stigma, and discrimination of LGBTQI+ folks through the power of sport and recreation to create safe and affirming spaces for participation.
An Australia where all LGBTQI+ folks can engage in sport and recreation without fear or discrimination.
Many LGBTQI+ people are disengaged from sport and recreation, as these environments have not kept up with societal change.
Many LGBTQI+ people are disengaged from sport and recreation, as these environments have not kept up with societal change.
The Problem
Many LGBTQI+ people are disengaged from sport and recreation, as these environments have not kept up with societal change.
Our Vision
An Australia where all LGBTIQ+ folks can engage in sport and recreation without fear or discrimination.
Our Purpose
Reduce social isolation, stigma, and discrimination of LGBTIQ+ folks through the power of sport and recreation to create safe and affirming spaces for participation.
At Proud 2 Play, our focus areas are centred around fostering an inclusive and welcoming sporting environment. We are dedicated to increasing LGBTQI+ engagement in sport, exercise, and active recreation, collaborating closely with the broader sporting community, and proactively tackling discrimination and hostility within the sporting realm.
Our Focus Areas
Sport and movement are integral to the way of life, offering immense physical, mental and social benefits. However, it’s a sad reality that not everyone feels safe or comfortable participating due discrimination and stigma associated with their sexuality or gender identity. Proud 2 play is committed to changing this narrative and advocates for greater LGBTQI+ inclusion in sports and recreation.
We believe that every individual, regardless of their sexuality or gender identity, should have the right to participate in sport and movement without fear of discrimination. We achieve this by working with all levels of the industry from community clubs to the elite and across the fitness sector to encourage and facilitate increased knowledge, learning and actions.
Credit: KSNAP
Safer Spaces and Places
Connection and support play key roles in the overall physical and mental health of our community. For too many members of the LGBTQI+ community, sport and movement settings are intimidating, isolating and too often discriminatory causing LGBTQI+ folks to disengage or to hide who they are.
At Proud 2 Play, we want to change the relationship and experiences folks have with sport and movement, and in order to achieve this we work with community to provide access and support to services and programs that connect and empower individuals, families and groups.
A Supported Community
While strides have been made, discrimination against the LGBTQI+ community still lingers in the world of sport and recreation. At Proud 2 Play, we are deeply committed to confronting and eradicating these obstacles. We tirelessly strive to challenge bias, dismantle barriers, and promote inclusivity within the realm of sports and recreational activities.
Our goal is to cultivate an environment where every individual, irrespective of their sexuality or gender identity, can freely engage in and appreciate sports without the fear of discrimination or bias. By leveraging education, powerful advocacy, and proactive engagement, we're making it our mission to transform the landscape of sports and recreation into a space that's truly inclusive and welcoming for all.

Tackling Discrimination in Sport
of individuals have witnessed or experienced homophobia on the sports field
of trans people avoid playing sports they're interested in
of LGBTQI+ athletes are not out to their peers in sports
of LGBTQI+ people do not feel sport is safe or welcoming
of LGBTQI+ people feel the need to hide their true selves in public and community settings
of LGBTQ+ Victorians have faced unfair treatment based on their sexual orientation
Contact Us
Want to get in touch with us directly? We’d love to hear from you!

How can we help you?
At Proud 2 Play, we champion inclusivity in sports. If you're part of the Sports Industry or local Government, we provide expert guidance on fostering diversity. Sports Clubs can learn how to ensure inclusivity for every member, while Individuals can find opportunities to participate and connect.
Credit: Stewart Westmore